Koidl gives up consulting mandate

Koidl to become Steinbrück advisor
19. November 2012
HANDELSZEITUNG: Steinbrück’s adoptive Swiss
8. January 2013

Koidl gives up consulting mandate

I am withdrawing from my role as Peer Steinbrück’s consultant for online matters for the election campaign of autumn 2013 with immediate effect.

I cannot accept that incorrect and dishonouring reports about me are used in order to damage the reputation of chancellor candidate Peer Steinbrück.

With this decision I would like to make clear that I consider it unacceptable that I should be the subject of reports in the election campaign.

My concern was to provide consultation and support in online/digital matters, because I am convinced that Peer Steinbrück will be an excellent chancellor.

Since the deliberations about our contract have not been not finalized, I shall now withdraw my offer to support the Steinbrück team.

Roman Maria Koidl